December 2020

Firstly, can we say a big thank you to our member schools who have been in contact with such positive feedback about the new version of Methodmaths. It really does help us soldier on with the conversion of the remaining test content and we are proud of how our website is shaping up. Please remember that our old system will be shutting down at the end of December 2020. 

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This is just a reminder that Teacher and Admin accounts can access our offline content by following the G drive link on the dashboard. This contains: 

66 Y6/Y7 Topic Workbooks with model answers. 

Infinite Arithmetic Google Sheet. Create an infinite supply of worksheets that mirror the KS2 arithmetic tests. 

92 GCSE Topic Workbooks with model answers. We have added hyperlinks to the index page and QR codes for ease of access on phones. This content uses IGCSE papers and is less familiar to students. 

150 GCSE Self Marking Topic Workbooks. Still useful if students need to work offline and have access to Excel. 

Question Level Analysis. We believe we have the most sophisticated QLA system available. This is because our QLAs are an intrinsic feature of the dashboard and link every question to a student’s original response. Teachers and Admin users can interrogate any question by either entering a student’s dashboard or switching to class view and exploring a common issue for a specific question. This is much more useful than a list of 0s,1s and 2s or a disconnected red/amber/green spreadsheet. To help you with navigation we have updated the header to remind you where you are and the student you are viewing. 

These percentages give you the average score on each question and are a quick way to judge how well either a class or entire cohort have performed. 

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You might now have spotted a camera tool at the top of the dashboard. This allows you to take a snapshot in time of either a student’s entire record or a single test for an entire class or cohort. This is useful for tracking progress over time and keeping paper records (some of us still do!). Navigate to the page you are interested in and take a picture. It will create a tidy pdf document with the information you require for printing or saving elsewhere. 

Coming soon!! 

We will be releasing another set of Mock papers in the coming weeks once we have completed final testing. We will also be adding shortcut key information to the bottom of every question following feedback from our members. We have started work on a general analytics tool that will let you know about login counts, last login, marks accumulated over different time periods and grades achieved across multiple papers. 


January 2021


October 2020